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Our Mission


Our Mission

The idea of the EuroSeminars was born as a group of European and U.S. Latter-day Saint scholars and teachers considered the situation of young Latter-day Saints scholars in Europe. This group felt that some of many of these young, bright minds, anchored in a sincere testimony of the Restored Church, were isolated and sometimes misunderstood in their pursuit of truth, while they were trying to “seek learning, even by study and also by faith” (D&C 88:118). The need appeared to help such young people (ages 25 to 45) be reassured of the following:

  • You are not alone: many other young Latter-day Saints like you, in Europe, work hard to achieve excellence in whatever field they have chosen.
  • The Church, both at the general and local level, appreciates your endeavor and wants to give you the support you need.
  • Other scholars, whether Latter-day Saints or not, are ready to give you encouragement, guidance, and mentoring. The Brigham Young University, the Wheatley Institution, and other institutions of higher learning will provide presenters and mentors, creating a network of people available to give support.
  • You can be civically engaged to make a difference in society thanks to the principles of the Restored Church you have integrated into your life.

These objectives have been reached through in-person seminars (London 2016, London 2017, Prague 2018) and, since the pandemic, by Zoom Seminars (see HYPERLINK for previous programs). We have been privileged by the participation of European scholars and tried to reach students and young professionals from all countries of Europe: from the British Isles to Russia, from Norway to Italy and Albania, from Portugal to Turkey. Our group of Alumni (former participants) is today a reflection of the presence of the Church all over the European continent.

As much as the EuroSeminar is envisioned to be a source of inspiration for study and research, it has also the ambition to motivate its participants to serve their fellowmen. Many of the presenters have shared their success in helping their neighbors, whether they are refugees, experience disability, or face other challenges in life. Through all our Seminars, we hope to see faith transformed into action. Speaking of refugees, Elder Patrick Kearon, a European member of the Presidency of the Seventy, once said: “This moment does not define them, but our response will help define us.” (Patrick Kearon, “Refuge from the Storm”, April 2016). We hope our actions will define us as true Christians. Likewise, united with people of other faiths we can defend religious freedom and counterbalance the influence of secularization.

Our purpose is to build bridges between young Latter-day Saints academics and professionals in Europe so that they might unite and be inspired to make a difference in their respective environments, using their Gospel values, and doing good in their chosen vocations.