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Prague 2022

Prague 2022

Family in the Wilderness

Past prophets and people of the Lord have learned that the pathway to the promised land almost always leads through the wilderness. Today, in the aftermath of the Covid ‘stress test’ described by Elder Renlund, it is very much the same. Disagreements over politics, vaccine policies, sexuality, etc., pose a tremendous challenge.

The brunt of this challenge is felt in the family. As an institution, the family is belittled, ostracized, and often forgotten. All but abandoned, it is being driven into the wilderness. Yet the family remains the bedrock of Western society and a key to social stability. To stabilize society for the future, we start by finding effective ways to strengthen our own family.

We invite you to apply to the July 20-24 EuroSeminar in Prague. We will explore how the divinely ordained family unit is facing unprecedented pressures and consider effective and realistic ways to address these pressures. Panel discussions will focus on :

  • Covid Aftermath: The pandemic’s broad effects on mental health, human rights, and civil society
  • Family Dynamics: Addressing the gap between idealized expectations and realities about family dynamics and experiences
  • Individual Belonging: Looking at sexuality, gender, and race through the lens of the family 

In summary, what is the status of the family unit in 2022? And, what can we do to call the family back from the wilderness and renew its work toward the promised land?


Location: Hotel Stamberk, Pravětice 19, 257 08 Načeradec, Czech Republic

  • Schedule

    • Wednesday 20th: Arrival 
    • Thursday 21st 

      • Panel 1: Covid Aftermath
      • Panel 2: Family Dynamics 
      • Keynote 1
    • Friday 22nd 

      • Panel 3: Individual Belonging 
      • Keynote 2
    • Saturday 23rd 

      • Closing Session 
      • Prague Excursion and Departure 
    • Sunday 24th 

      • Church in Prague and Departure

Panelists - come back for final information soon