The last year has been isolating for many of us. The Covid-19 pandemic, along with Brexit and other social and political upheavals, has tested and tried us. We have struggled with loneliness, illness, and a variety of personal challenges.
President Russel M. Nelson counseled us in the April 2021 General Conference that, “through [our] faith, Jesus Christ will increase [our] ability to move the mountains in [our lives], even though [our] personal challenges may loom as large as Mount Everest.”
Join us this summer for our online EuroSeminar as we aim to learn, discuss, and explore together how we can move the mountains ahead – through our faith, unity, and diversity and by lifting others around us.
Friday, 23rd July, 6-8 pm (BST)
Introduction of theme
Keynote speaker: Patrick Mason, Leonard J. Arrington Chair of Mormon History and Culture, Utah State University.
What does "the Restoration" mean in the 21st century? The world has changed substantially in the two hundred years since Joseph Smith saw his first vision of God the Father and Jesus Christ. People now are less interested in the question of "which religion is true?" than "why bother with religion at all?" In a modern age characterized by increased secularism, cynicism, and social isolation, it is important to think anew about the ways in which we, as disciples of Jesus and members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are called to work alongside God in bringing light, goodness, and truth to the world. As it turns out, the "restoration of all things" was always meant as a means to the end of the restoration of God's people -- all of our Heavenly Parents' children -- to wholeness.
Keynote speaker: Patrick Mason, Leonard J. Arrington Chair of Mormon History and Culture, Utah State University.
What does "the Restoration" mean in the 21st century? The world has changed substantially in the two hundred years since Joseph Smith saw his first vision of God the Father and Jesus Christ. People now are less interested in the question of "which religion is true?" than "why bother with religion at all?" In a modern age characterized by increased secularism, cynicism, and social isolation, it is important to think anew about the ways in which we, as disciples of Jesus and members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are called to work alongside God in bringing light, goodness, and truth to the world. As it turns out, the "restoration of all things" was always meant as a means to the end of the restoration of God's people -- all of our Heavenly Parents' children -- to wholeness.

Saturday, 24th July, 10 am - 12 noon (BST)
3 panel speakers + development on the theme
Q&A with a moderator
Group discussions with each of the presenters
After 12 noon - Socializing in break-out rooms - OPTIONAL
- Kathrin Peters (Withiii Leadership Centre)
- Hannah and Nassib El-solh (Al Amal Institute for the Disabled)
- Anne-Lise Ledru & Gilbert Cruz (SDJ Solidarité)
Q&A with a moderator
Group discussions with each of the presenters
After 12 noon - Socializing in break-out rooms - OPTIONAL

Saturday, 24th July, 2 pm - 4 pm (BST)
Keynote speaker: Elder De Feo, President of the Europe Area
Breakout room projects
After 4 pm - Social Linger Longer
Breakout room projects
After 4 pm - Social Linger Longer